Spooky season has come and gone, but the autumn spirit is still with us. We invite you to cozy up on the couch with a warm cup of tea and check out all the exciting stuff we’ve made for you! But first things first…
Last day to get 10% off the Blender Basics Course!
If you’re still considering grabbing your seat, this would be the perfect time! The promotion ends on November 1 at 11:59 p.m. EST so don’t miss out. The coupon code is: HALLOWEEN10
Special Halloween Assets
We want TOAnimate to be a place where you come to learn but also have fun! Every major holiday season (starting with Halloween) we are going to be giving our students special assets to use with the characters or sets. This time we made a witch’s hat and a magic wand for May, as well as a glowing TOAnimate Jack O’ Lantern.

We can’t wait to show you what we’ve prepared for the Christmas season!
Max’s Spacesuit
It took us a while but Max is finally wearing his new spacesuit! It has several great features, including a visibility switch on the visor so you can easily access Max’s facial controllers even with the helmet on.
Our Animation and Mentorship students will be receiving this new addition for free!

New Curriculum Released
With the beginner section of the Animation and Mentorship courses now fully complete, we have been developing the curriculum for the next portion (Intermediate level).
Here is the current list of lessons, which will only continue to grow:

Along with the intermediate lessons, we have also started working on videos for the Demo Reel & Industry

If you like what you see, stay tuned for the release date and let us know if there is anything you would like added to the list!
TOAnimate Team.
